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Busy Beez Policy and information pack

Policy & Information Pack

Version 2: November 2022

Wraparound telephone: 01782 881480

                                  mobile tbc

  1. Busy Beez Care Club

We recognise the importance of having a quality childcare facility so here is some information to explain a little about what we offer;

  • A facility that is open to Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff pupils during term time only.
  • Fun and engaging activities.
  • A safe, caring and nurturing environment.
  • Suitably qualified and trained staff, including first aid.
  • Breakfast (cereal, bagels), along with snacks such as fruit and crackers in the afternoon at no extra cost.

Parents can go to work knowing that their child is in a safe, caring, warm and welcoming environment and pupils can come to Busy Beez Care Club with their friends, knowing that they will have an enjoyable time.

Breakfast is available from 7.30am to 8.15am and is provided free of charge. Children arriving after 8.15 am will still have access to activities. An afternoon snack is provided consisting of food such as fruit, a drink and crackers and cheese. You are welcome to send in a snack of your own if you think that your child needs more. This can be brought in in the morning and kept in our fridge.

Busy Beez club details          


Telephone number -01782 881480

E mail address –

Opening times

Term time -  7.30am – Start of the school day -  before school club

                    End of school day – 5.30pm -  after school club


Academy Care Club Managers – Miss K McDonald (L3+) and Mrs S Frankland

Academy Care Club Assistants – Mrs H Foy (L3+) and Mrs N Knapper


Sessions are charged at one fixed amount.

Session costs per child:

Before school club    £4.50

After school club        £6.00

Late booking fee     £2.00

Late collection fee (after 5.30pm) £5.00 per 15 minutes charged

Booking and ending you child’s place

Care club places are limited.

Places will be available to be booked for a half term block or a full term block. For parents that work irregular shift patterns, we require notice in advance of sessions requested otherwise we cannot guarantee a place. We do currently offer ‘one off’ bookings but we cannot always guarantee a place.

To book your place, you must complete and return the registration form. On completion of the form, you will be able to pay for your child’s place via parentpay, securing the booking.

If payments are not received in advance, the booking will not be made. We reserve the right to refuse places if payments are consistently late or not received.

If you wish to end a place, please notify a member of the Busy Beez team so that any children on the waiting list can be offered any available places.

Academy Policies

Busy Beez adheres to wider Academy Policies including, but not limited to those found on our website

Some policies are Trust wide and can be found here;


Busy Beez Care Club Registration Form


Child's full name:

Name to be used at Care Club:  

Date of Birth:




First Language:  

Other languages spoken:

Names of people with parental responsibility (PR):

Names of people with legal contact:




Home Address:  

Home Address:  









Work Address:  

Work Address:  





Personal password for the collection of my child:

Under NORMAL circumstances the person collecting my child will be:


Relationship to child:  

Specimen Signature:


Relationship to child:  

Specimen Signature:


Relationship to child:  

Specimen Signature:

Emergency Contacts


Relationship to child:



Relationship to child:


G.P Information

Child's GP:




Please provide details of any significant dietary requirements, allergies and significant food and drink preferences.


Please provide details of any significant health issues including special educational needs and / or physical difficulties.


Do you give permission for your child to: [delete as appropriate]

Receive treatment at hospital    Y/N

Receive first aid by staff             Y/N        

Wear face paints                         Y/N

Have their photo included on our website       Y/N

Be included on photographs displayed in school      Y/N

Receive appropriate intimate care support (changing soiled clothing/pull-ups, washing and toileting)



Be included on our social media

(Facebook / Twitter)                            


Receive help in applying sun cream. (Children need to bring their own suncream.)


Be included on photographs uploaded onto the Busy Beez Dojo page


I understand that some information about my child may need to be shared with Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff and other agencies where appropriate.



Initial Booking form

Child’s name:  _______________________________________ Class _____________

Please complete one form per child for their first booking and hand into the school office.

Once the office receives your Registration form and Initial Booking form, your payment option will be assigned to you on Parentpay.                            

Please tick each session you would like to book.

Before school Club

from 7.30am

After school Club

til  5.30pm






I would like to make this a recurring booking (every week) for this HALF term:     yes/ no

I would like to make this a recurring booking (every week) for this FULL term:     yes/ no

My required sessions will vary depending on circumstances:     yes/ no

Signed________________________________________ Parent / Carer

Busy Beez Care Club                                                                 

  1. Payment Policy    

  1. This payment policy takes effect from 1st September 2023.
  2. The attached booking form should be completed stating your requirements and returned as soon as possible
  3. Payment MUST be made via Parentpay, in advance of sessions.
  4. Session costs term time are as follows:

        Before school:        7:30 - school starts    £4.50                

        After school:                school ends - 5.30        £6.00


  1. Any pre-booked hours which are not taken up will NOT be refunded.
  2. We will normally require at least 1 week’s notice that your child/ren requires a place. This will enable us to ensure that we have the required amount of staff to care for the children.
  3. If places are oversubscribed, and a place is not available you will be advised as soon as possible.
  4. Children who are collected late from the end of the normal school day will be placed into the care of Busy Beez and charged £6.00 regardless of collection time. This charge will be added to your parentpay account.
  5. If you wish to end a place, please notify a member of the Busy Beez team and give 1 week’s notice.
  6. Late collection of children (after 5:30pm) will be charged at a rate of £5.00 per 15 minutes.
  7. Persistent late collectors will have their place reviewed and we reserve the right to cancel this at short notice.
  8. We will normally require 24 hours notice of sickness to avoid being charged for any pre-booked sessions.  However, where this is not possible due to sickness arising at short notice, there will be a charge applied for the most immediate session following the sickness being reported. Please notify us of absence due to sickness.
  9. If a child goes home poorly during the school day, a charge will still be applied for that day. Providing Busy Beez staff are informed, payments after the first day will not be required.
  10. Care club charges will be put onto Parentpay in advance of the sessions and need to be paid online. If you are not set up on Parentpay or need help using the platform, please contact Mrs Frankland at Busy Beez who will be happy to help.
  11. Parents/ carers that are eligible for tax free childcare will be able to use this scheme to pay for Busy Beez sessions. Payments must be made in advance and cleared. Due to the delay in payments being received into the bank and being reconciled, Busy Beez staff may ask for proof of payment.
  12. If bookings are received after 4pm on a Friday for the following week, then a late charge of £2 will be applied to your Parent pay account.


  • I hereby accept a place at Busy Beez Care Club for my child in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in their policies and procedures.  
  • I understand the expectations and obligations relating to both the Care Club and myself and agree to abide by them.  
  • I understand that on receipt of my registration form and booking form, I will receive access to the online booking system for care clubs.
  • I agree to pay for sessions booked at least one week in advance and I understand that if I do not, the service will be withdrawn.
  • I understand that persistent late or non-payments of fees may result in places being withdrawn.

Signature of Parent/Carer:                                                 Date:                _____

Positive Behaviour and Conduct Agreement

At Busy Beez we expect high standards of behaviour. Please see our Behaviour Policy for details. This policy explains how we promote positive behaviour and how we address any incidents of poor behaviour.

I understand that my child’s place at Care Club may be withdrawn if their behaviour is a concern.

A copy of the behaviour policy will be given to all parents whose children have been allocated a place.  We ask that you make your child/children aware of the standards of behaviour that we expect from them at Busy Beez.

Signature of Parent/Carer:                                                 Date:                _____