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Anti-Bullying Policy 2023-24

Policy details

Date created – November 2021

Staff consultation: May 2022

Pupil consultation: January 2022

Parent consultation: May 2022

Governor ratification: 11th July 2023

To be reviewed: July 2025


Policy details        1

Introduction        2

Anti-Bullying policy aims        2

Legal and statutory requirements        3

Consultation Process        3

Definitions        4

Behaviours associated with bullying:        5

Prejudice related bullying        5

Roles and responsibilities        6

Indicators of bullying        10

First responses to an allegation, suspicion or observation of bullying        10

Outcomes and following up        11

Curriculum-        11

Training        12

Monitoring / analysis of bullying behaviour        13

Links with other policies        13

Appendices        13


Everyone at Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff has the right to feel welcome, safe and happy. We provide a secure, caring and friendly climate for learning for all our pupils to allow them to improve their life chances and help them maximise their potential. We also create an inclusive environment for all pupils where differences between people are acknowledged and celebrated.


We expect pupils to act safely and feel safe in school. We contribute to this by developing pupils’ knowledge of bullying. We strive to ensure that they feel confident to seek support from school should they feel unsafe or should they witness unacceptable behaviour towards themselves or their peers. We also want parents to feel confident that their children are safe and cared for in school and incidents are dealt with promptly and effectively.

We are careful in the language we use, as it can be very emotive and can ‘label’ children, suggesting permanence. Instead of ‘victim’ we say person (child) who is being bullied, and instead of ‘bully’ we say person (child) who is using bullying behaviours/doing the bullying. In this way we are labelling behaviours and roles, not people.

Anti-Bullying policy aims

This policy outlines the different types of bullying and indicators to look for in identifying bullying. It also provides the procedures staff will implement when they suspect bullying could be evident, or when they receive a report of alleged bullying.

We understand that bullying is damaging and potentially has negative effects into adulthood for those who have experienced bullying. We also know that children who engage in bullying are often experiencing difficult circumstances and low self-esteem. We therefore do all we can to prevent it, by developing a school ethos in which bullying is regarded as unacceptable.

Our curriculum is designed to raise awareness and develop understanding of bullying (particularly see PSHE, history, computing, reading book spine, assemblies). Our aim is to produce a safe and secure environment where all can learn without anxiety.

In line with the Co-op Ways of Being, we want our school to be a place where all children and adults feel safe, happy and successful. We know that the consistent application of this policy is key to this. We aim to make all those connected with the school aware of our opposition to bullying, and we make clear each person’s responsibilities with regard to the eradication of bullying in our school. 

The academy operates within a system of Golden Rules based on rights and responsibilities. At Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff, we are all responsible for our own behaviour and all stakeholders can use the school ‘Golden Rules’ to help remind us.  These can be seen around the school and tell us our code of expected behaviour that applies in all situations.

Golden rule

Our responsibility

Do be gentle

Not to hurt anybody

Do be kind and helpful

Not to hurt people’s feelings

Do work hard

Not to waste your or other people’s time

Do look after property

Not to waste or damage things

Do listen to people

Not to interrupt

Do be honest

Not to cover up the truth

Legal and statutory requirements

This policy is based on advice from the Department for Education (DfE) on:

·     Behaviour and discipline in schools

·     The Equality Act 2010

·     Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school

It is also based on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice.

·     Schedule 1 of the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014; paragraph 7 outlines a school’s duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, paragraph 9 requires the school to have a written behaviour policy and paragraph 10 requires the school to have an anti-bullying strategy

·     DfE guidance explaining that academies should publish their behaviour policy and anti-bullying strategy online

This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.

Consultation Process

This policy was formulated in consultation with the whole school community with input from:

  • Members of staff through consultation on the content of the policy
  • Parents and carers through a survey consultation on bullying. Workshops will also be used to gather parent and carer views.
  • Governors through discussion at meetings and ratification of the policy.
  • Children and young people through the pupil questionnaires and PSHE/circle time discussions (January 2022)
  • Advice and guidance from other external agencies including the Anti-Bullying Alliance and the NSPCC.


Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.

Occasionally an incident may be deemed to be bullying even if the behaviour has not been repeated or persistent – if it fulfils all other descriptions of bullying. This possibility should be considered, particularly in cases of hate crime related bullying and cyberbullying.

Bullying can take place between:

  • young people
  • young people and staff
  • between staff
  • individuals or groups

Bullying by pupils is viewed as ‘serious misbehaviour’ (see Behaviour Policy) at our academy. Bullying by staff would be dealt with under the Disciplinary Policy and would be viewed as misconduct.

Although bullying can occur between individuals, it can often take place in the presence (virtually or physically) of others who become the ‘bystanders’ or ‘accessories’.

Bullying is not confined to the school premises. It can also persist outside school, in the local community, on the journey to and from school.

The school acknowledges its responsibility to support families if bullying occurs off the premises.

Type of bullying



Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting


Hitting, kicking, pushing, taking another’s belongings, any use of violence


Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures


Explicit sexual remarks, display of sexual material, sexual gestures, unwanted physical attention, comments about sexual reputation or performance, or inappropriate touching. This includes online behaviours.

Direct or indirect verbal

Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing


Bullying that takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites.

Cyberbullying can include:

  • hacking into someone’s accounts/sites
  • Posting prejudice / hate messages
  • Impersonating someone online
  • Public posting of images
  • Exclusion
  • Threats and manipulation
  • Stalking

Behaviours associated with bullying:


Baiting can be used in bullying both on and offline. It can be used to bully someone to get 'a rise' out of them and it can be used to antagonise those who might be bullying others to get them to bully. Sometimes baiting is used secretly to try and get a person to explode in a rage or react negatively/loudly so that they get into trouble.



The dictionary describes banter as: ‘the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks’.

Bullying is often justified as being just banter. It may start as banter, but some types of banter are bullying and need to be addressed as bullying.

Types of Banter:

  • Friendly Banter - There’s no intention to hurt and everyone knows its limits
  • Ignorant Banter - crosses the line with no intention to hurt, will often say sorry.
  • Malicious Banter - Done to humiliate a person-often in public

Prejudice related bullying

Under the Equalities Act 2010 it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:

  • age
  • being or becoming a transsexual person
  • being married or in a civil partnership
  • being pregnant or having a child
  • disability
  • race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin including Gypsy, Roma, Travellers
  • religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
  • sex / gender
  • sexual orientation

These are called ‘protected characteristics’.

As part of our work to promote fundamental British values, we do not accept derogatory and discriminatory language and behaviour including that which is racist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic and disabilist in nature. We will record these types of bullying, even that which represents a one-off incident, and report them to the Trust for monitoring purposes. Such incidents will be dealt with through our Behaviour Policy.

Prejudice related language:

Racist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic and disabilist language includes terms of abuse used towards people because of their race/ethnicity/nationality; because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transsexual, or are perceived to be, or have a parent/carer or sibling who is; because they have a learning or physical disability. Such language is generally used to refer to something or someone as inferior. This may also be used to taunt young people who are different in some way or their friends, family members or their parents/carers.

In the case of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language particularly, dismissing it as banter is not helpful as even if these terms are not referring to a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity they are using the terms to mean inferior, bad, broken or wrong. We will challenge the use of prejudice related language in our school even if it appears to be being used without any intent. Persistent use of prejudice related language and/or bullying will be dealt with as with any other form of bullying.

Bullying is not:

  • Not liking someone – it is natural that people do not like everyone around them and, as unpleasant as it may be to know someone does not like you, verbal and non-verbal messages of “I don’t like you” are not acts of bullying
  • Accidentally bumping into someone – this can happen within the school building and outside at playtime.  It is important for teachers and parents to explain that some accidents happen without any bad intention and it is important not to create a big conflict, because it was NOT an act of bullying
  • Making other children play things a certain way
  • A single act of telling a joke about someone
  • Arguments
  • Expression of unpleasant thought or feelings regarding others
  • Isolated acts of harassment, aggressive behaviour, intimidation or behaviour – anything that happens once is NOT an act of bullying.  Parents and teachers pay attention to what children are telling them and find out if things are happening more than once.

Roles and responsibilities

The Academy Governing Council:

The Academy Governing Council is responsible for monitoring this Anti-Bullying Policy’s effectiveness and holding the headteacher to account for its implementation. The academy governing council supports the head teacher in all attempts to eliminate bullying from our school.  They will not condone any bullying at all in our school, and any incidents of bullying that do occur will be taken very seriously, and dealt with appropriately.

The Academy Governing Council monitors incidents of bullying that do occur and reviews the effectiveness of this policy regularly.  The governing council requires the head teacher to keep accurate records of all incidents of bullying, and to report to the governing council on request about the effectiveness of school anti-bullying strategies.  All incidents of bullying are logged on CPOMS and monitored by the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

The Headteacher:

The headteacher is responsible for reviewing and approving this Anti-Bullying Policy.

It is the responsibility of the head teacher to implement the school anti-bullying policies and related strategies and to ensure that all staff are aware of the school policy and know how to identify and deal with incidents of bullying.  The headteacher reports to the governing body about the effectiveness of the anti-bullying policy on request.

The headteacher will ensure that the school culture is open and positive and that staff deal effectively with allegations of bullying. The headteacher will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure all processes are applied consistently.

The headteacher sets the school climate of mutual support and praise for success, thereby making bullying less likely.  When children feel they are important and belong to a friendly and welcoming school, bullying is far less likely to be part of their behaviour.

The headteacher ensures that all staff, including lunchtime staff, receive sufficient training to be equipped to identify and deal with all incidents of bullying.

Members of Staff:

Staff are responsible for:

  • Implementing the Anti-Bullying Policy consistently
  • Ensuring all claims of bullying are taken seriously
  • Ensuring bullying is made to stop swiftly
  • Recording bullying incidents, reports and actions taken
  • Recognising that some pupils (inc those with SEND) can be more vulnerable to bullying
  • Recognising that bullying behaviours (for both those exhibiting and those receiving) can be an indication of an underlying safeguarding/child protection concern

The senior leadership team will support staff in responding to bullying allegations and incidents.


Parents are expected to:

  • Support their child in adhering to the home school agreement
  • Strive to ensure that their child understands the difference between bullying and isolated incidents.
  • Support the academy to prevent and eradicate any form of bullying
  • Have a responsibility to support the academy’s Anti-Bullying Policy, actively encouraging their child to be a positive member of the school.
  • Discuss any concerns with the class teacher promptly
  • If a parent raises a bullying allegation, then the class teacher must flag this to a member of the SLT so that an allegation form can be completed

.confidential allegation of bullying


  • Pupils are encouraged to tell anybody they trust if they are being bullied, and if the bullying continues, they must keep on letting people know.
  • Pupils are encouraged to talk to a responsible adult if they witness someone being bullied.  Pupils are encouraged not to take matters into their own hands and not to retaliate.
  • Anti-bullying issues are a regular discussion topic at school council meetings.  
  • Pupils must always be honest and truthful when talking about bullying.


Our expectations are underpinned by the Co-op’s ‘Ways of Being’.

Being Co-op is about creating an environment that celebrates difference. Somewhere both pupils and colleagues feel responsible, valued, empowered and trusted to do the right thing for each other and our community.

The four Ways of Being Co-op guide our future – no matter what we do, they’re how we do it. They are:

Our Pupil Behaviours help us define and explore each ‘Ways of Being’.

Vision and values

I care about the school and what we stand for. I show the values inside and outside of the academy.

Future focussed

I think about the future. I want to do well, and I want others to do well.

School improvement

I make sure that we all get better together. I know that my behaviour and actions have an impact on others.

Improving myself

I focus on getting better. I want to improve how much I can learn.

My words

I talk openly and honestly and know how my words help or hurt others.


I can be friends with anyone and treat everyone with respect.


I work cooperatively with others. I share my ideas and listen to others.

Driving innovation

I am confident in using technology in a safe and sensible way.

Speaking up

I know my words can help others to be better. I speak up when I see bullying or poor behaviour.

Being a good friend and learner

I develop good friendships and work with my teachers, in order to understand and support others.

Championing Co-op

I represent my academy through my behaviour and my actions.

Helping others

I support the learning of others to promote a positive learning environment.

Indicators of bullying

A pupil may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied. All adults should be aware of these possible signs and that they should investigate if a student:

  • is frightened of walking to or from their school
  • doesn't want to go into vulnerable areas of the school i.e. toilets, library, dinner hall
  • is unwilling to go to school
  • becomes withdrawn, anxious, or lacking
  • changes their behaviour
  • constantly feels unwell
  • shows a pattern emerging of absence from school
  • shows irritability
  • shows anxiety
  • is unusually sensitive
  • demands an increase in attention from adults
  • decreases in work completed in lesson times
  • is unusually quiet or withdrawn
  • is aggressive towards other pupils or staff

These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems (including safeguarding/child protection concerns), but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated.

First responses to an allegation, suspicion or observation of bullying

If peer on peer bullying is reported by a pupil or parent, the member of staff receiving the concern will:

  • reassure the pupil or parent that bullying is taken very seriously
  • identify that it may be necessary to provide pupils and parents with the definition of bullying
  • gather detailed information about when and where incidents have occurred and who was involved and who was present/witnessed the incident
  • write down the details gathered during the conversation
  • take copies of any evidence (e.g. ask parents to email screen shots of cyber incidents to the generic office email)
  • tell the parent/pupil that you will investigate
  • ensure that claims of bullying will be fully investigated
  • arrange a time to report back to the parent/pupil (not longer than 5 working days)

The member of staff receiving the concern will then investigate by speaking to all those involved, including any witnesses or potential witnesses. If appropriate, the member of staff may wish to be supported by the behaviour lead, safeguarding team or members of the senior leadership team.

The member of staff will record on ‘CPOMs’ the initial concern and all investigation findings.

Any allegations of bullying by staff members should be passed to the headteacher, who will follow the Disciplinary Policy in addressing this. An allegation about the headteacher must be referred to the Chair of Governors. If the member of staff doesn't feel able, they can telephone the NSPCC Whistleblowing helpline (refer to the whistleblowing policy). 0800 028 0285

Outcomes and following up

If bullying is proven, it is not accepted and is considered to be serious misbehaviour. The procedures and sanctions in the behaviour policy are used to ensure pupils and parents know that the behaviour is unacceptable. We will always consider whether the pupil exhibiting bullying behaviours needs support, particularly when sexualised language, harassment or violence is evident. Any incidents of sexually harmful behaviour will be referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and will be addressed through the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, in conjunction with this policy and the Behaviour Policy.

If appropriate, a trusted member of staff will see whether the pupil on the receiving end of the bullying is comfortable to explain how they felt/are feeling to the pupil(s) who did the bullying. This would be supported/facilitated by the trusted member of staff. The pupil(s) who did the bullying would then apologise and reassure the pupil that it will not happen again.

The parents of all those pupils involved are informed and these conversations are recorded on ‘CPOMs’.  Meeting with parents of the child who is being bullied and the child who is using bullying behaviours may also be offered if this is felt to be appropriate.

In cases where evidence is not found to substantiate claims of bullying, we acknowledge that it is still possible that bullying is taking place. The relationships between pupils will continue to be monitored in the following ways:

  • observations during lessons
  • observations during less structured times (inc break and dinner time, extra-curricular clubs etc)
  • check-ins with the pupil alleging being on the receiving end of the bullying at a frequency agreed with the pupil
  • regular conversations (e.g. weekly) with the parent of the pupil alleged to be on the receiving end of bullying to share the findings of the ongoing monitoring

We will consider whether a friendship group or similar intervention is appropriate to support all parties. 

All monitoring (including if nothing of note is observed) is recorded on ‘CPOMs’. When evidence over time (e.g. six weeks) indicates that no bullying is taking place, the monitoring practices will stop.


Our curriculum is designed so that pupils:

  • know the definition of bullying
  • know the different forms of bullying
  • recognise bullying behaviours
  • have strategies to prevent and stop bullying including telling their peers to stop and reporting to adults

The books in our book spine have been chosen to develop pupils’ empathy and their understanding of pertinent issues, including those relating to equality and diversity. Additional sets of books, including picture books are also available to support the teaching and learning of Anti-Bullying themes.

Across the subjects, we have ensured that chosen role models (inc authors, artists, musicians, architects, chefs) are diverse.

Assemblies are delivered on topics related to the Ways of Being, including kindness, anti-bullying, being the best version of yourself. etc.

Our history curriculum content has been chosen to develop pupils’ knowledge of discrimination and the exploitation of people over time. For example, pupils learn about the impact of explorers, the suffragettes, slavery, gender bias, the civil rights movement and the Holocaust.

In PSHE, pupils learn explicitly about bullying and anti-bullying. They also learn about emotions and the impact of bullying. E-safety is covered in both PSHE and in the computing curriculum.

We further raise awareness of bullying by:

  • Displaying posters: Pupils and teachers can both become involved in creating posters to display around school.
  • Displaying pupil’s work from Anti-Bullying week.
  • Providing quiet/safe zones both inside and outside.
  • Interactive feelings display in the classroom.
  • Online safety display in the classroom.
  • Pupils in Years 4 to 6 take part in the ‘Relationships without Fears’ six-week program in the Autumn term.
  • Childline, telephone helpline number will be displayed.
  • Childline – 0800 1111 (open 24hrs)
  • Leaflets: these can be displayed around the school and/or sent home.


Anti-Bullying Week

By focusing on bullying for a week each year we keep the subject in the open and give opportunities for children and parents to understand what bullying is and how to report concerns.


Our staff are provided with training on anti-bullying. We recognise that lunchtime staff manage pupils’ behaviour at the least structured point in the day. Therefore, behaviour training is provided to these staff on at least an annual basis by the behaviour lead.

Monitoring / analysis of bullying behaviour

The Safeguarding Team will analyse bullying allegations and incidents on a monthly basis to evaluate whether the policy is being implemented appropriately and whether any pupils require additional support. Any incidents are monitored monthly to ensure any incidents are dealt with effectively. Alongside this, the Anti-Bullying lead will monitor incidents and amend whole school curriculum priorities accordingly.

Reporting to governors will take place on a termly basis within the Headteacher report.

Links with other policies

This policy links closely to our Behaviour Policy. This policy is to be considered in close connection to the academy’s Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.

This policy has direct links with policies for P.S.H.E., Special Educational Needs, Equality and Health and Safety. Any supply teacher who does not work in school on a regular basis will be given a guide to the school containing a simplified version of this policy. For further questions, they will be asked to consult a teacher with regard to any queries over bullying.

Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff Anti-Bullying policy 2021-22