Summer Newsletter 24
Message from Mrs Day
It has been another busy half term but we have achieved so much! It has been lovely to see the children enjoying the new playground and teepee areas.
We managed to hold our first football match on the playground this half term - and of course we won the match pretty spectacularly!
This half term the Year 6s have completed their SATs in reading, maths and spelling and grammar. They have worked so hard and we are really proud of them all.
The pupils will get their results towards the end of term.
They now have lots of writing to do for their teacher assessment so it is really important to maintain that good attendance.
Lots of children have been able to take part in competitions such as Basketball, Football, Young Musician of the Year competition and the Eco Conference. It has also been brilliant to see so many parents attending the Family Learning sessions. These have been so well attended and we have been able to offer a great variety of sessions.
Thank you for your support with this.
Next half term we have lots to look forward to such as Sports Days, Athletics competitions and Y6 are off to Stanley Head.
We hope that you all have a lovely half term break ready to enjoy an exciting half term.
Mrs Day
Year 6 SATs
Last week, our Year Sixes took their KS2 SATs tests. We were incredibly proud of the resilience, determination and maturity they showed to what was a demanding week.
We are confident that all of our children did their best and we look forward to finding out the results in July.
Our Year 1s and some Year 2s have been working hard on their phonics ready for their phonics screening check after half term.
We have had an external visitor to see our phonics provision and they were really impressed with how we teach phonics and the progress of the children.
We wish the children every success in their check.
Staffing Update
We have made two new appointments for September. Mr Plant will be joining us as the Deputy Head Teacher and Miss Smith as our Maths leader. They will both be coming into school next half-term to meet all of the children and staff.
Sadly, we are saying goodbye to Mrs Capewell this half term who is retiring. She has worked at the school for a number of years and will be greatly missed. We wish her all the best for her retirement.
Mrs Ciccotti is also leaving us to enjoy her retirement. She will be greatly missed by the children, and we wish her well for the future.
It has been a very busy half term and we are over the moon with how hard our pupils and parents/carers are working to ensure that attendance and punctuality is a priority.
As part of our push to improve attendance, we have introduced a new weekly incentive/competition. Depending on their attendance, classes from Nursery to Year 6 will each receive a coloured ticket.
Green tickets will be awarded to the classes who achieve 96%+ attendance at the end of each week!
Amber tickets will be to handed out to classes whose attendance is 95 - 90%!
Red tickets will be to handed out to classes whose attendance is below 90%!
At the start of the week commencing July 15th, we will collect in all of the green tickets and place these in a grand prize draw.
The winning class will receive vouchers to spend on a treat of their choice.
The competition is on, and we are looking forward to awarding as many green tickets as possible - BE IN TO WIN!
This week we have also run a spot attendance prize week.
Throughout the week, every child (from Nursery to Year 6), who attended all day and arrived on time, was entered into a prize draw.
Well done to Bluebell-Betty, Aria-Mai and Jochabed who have won cinema vouchers to see a film of their choice as a result of their excellent attendance. A BIG thank you to Mrs Eyden and Mrs Garrity, our school's community pioneers, for the fabulous attendance prizes.
Next half term, there will be lots more attendance incentives, so watch this space.
If you need any support with attendance and punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance/Pastoral Team.
Busy Beez
We currently have space in our before and after school club.
Morning sessions run from 7:30am until 8:45am at a cost of £4.50 per day.
Afternoon sessions run from 3:20pm until 5:30pm at a cost of £6 per day.
Please contact Mrs Frankland or Miss McDonald for more information.
Key Dates
11th June EYFS Sports day
14th June KS2 Sports day
17th June Y5 Dali visit Longton Fire Station
18th June Y5 Kapoor visit Longton Fire Station
18th June Y4 trip to Wroxeter Roman City
19th June KS1 Sports day
25th June Y2 Da Vinci trip to Packington Farm
26th June Y2 Britto trip to Packington Farm
1st - 5th July Y6 Stanley Head Residential
11th July Summer fun day
18th July Year 6 Prom 5:30-7:30pm
19th July Year 6 leavers assembly 9:10am
19th July School closes for Summer