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Sports Premium Impact and Review 22/23

Sports Premium Report 2022-2023

Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff

Academic Year


Total fund allocated


Date updated

July 2023

Key achievements to date (2021-22)

Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

Schemes of work for PE are now in place across the school in line with the new PE curriculum, including Foundation Stage. The new schemes will continue to be used in future years. Staff confidence and knowledge has been significantly improved giving them the confidence to deliver the curriculum well.

An increased number of pupils this year have been involved in competitive events at Level 1,2 & 3. As a result, the school has achieved the gold school games mark this year. This shows the consistency of provision on offer within the school with regards to the competitive and wider sports offered.

Development of outdoor education continues to engage less active pupils disinterested in competitive sports. Use of Forest School has significantly raised the number of pupils engaging in extra-curricular activity and continues to be one of our most popular clubs.

Staff confidence and ability to lead clubs and activities has resulted in more pupils being provided additional hours of extra-curricular PE.

Additional support at lunchtimes has promoted an ethos of active lifestyles and positive well-being.

Continue enhancing our provision for Foundation Stage by developing a multitude of key motor skills including balance, core strength and improved fitness.

Develop pupil sports leaders to be trained up to lead and

organise events in school alongside the lunchtime staff.

Continue to develop the CPD needs of all staff teaching the PE curriculum, with a particular focus on well-being, mindfulness and life skills.

Continue to develop skills of lunchtime supervisors in delivering activities that promote an active lifestyle and positive well-being.

Continue to promote and ensure extra physical activity as part of school routine.

Promote end of unit competitions every half term in school to

increase the amount of children from EYFS to KS2 competing in


Continue to raise the number of pupils involved in competitive events at Level 1,2 & 3 with a particular focus on girls’ team sports.

Involve parents in understanding the importance of an active,

healthy lifestyle via newsletters and parental involvement days.

Increase pupil confidence and ability to lead events and activities. Engage parents/carers with community sport activities such as family fun runs.

This year the Government recognise that schools’ ability to collect swimming and water safety attainment data may have been interrupted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As a result of covid-19 our 20/21 data is less than that of previous attainment.

National curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

–% These % will be added at the end of  2022-2023.

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

–% These % will be added at the end of  2022-2023.

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

--% These % will be added at the end of  2022-2023.

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


Key indicator 1


The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend

that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

All children to take part in 2 hours of physical activity per week.

Expectation of two hours a week of physical activity  in order to raise the profile of regular physical activity and high-quality PE delivered by staff.

Pupils to continue to come in PE kit on PE days and extra curricular sporting days to raise the profile of the subject and to ensure pupils are receiving 2 whole hours or physical activity.

PE leaders to continue to monitor the subject to ensure staff are teaching effectively and are following the PE curriculum map and planning to ensure consistency and  progression throughout the school.


Planning, assessment and

tracking - monitoring

ensures all children are

accessing high quality physical activity

provision (2 hours a week)

and that their skills are progressive.

Progressive planning,

teaching and assessment for PE lessons

working well to support staff confidence, subject specific knowledge and therefore outcomes for pupils.

Increased outcomes for

pupils through improved

pupils’ progress/ skill development/ enjoyment of lessons.

Throughout the year 15 after school sports clubs were offered from Reception to Year 6.

Impact: more pupils accessed after school clubs than in the previous academic year.

Sports coaches used at breaks, lunches and after school clubs to develop the physical activity offer for the academy. Impact: more games and physical activity accessed by pupils during these times.

More investment in resources to further develop the activity offer during non-curriculum times and increase the variation of games and activities on offer.

All children to participate in an end of unit competition with a year group (EYFS to KS2)

Pupils to begin taking part in end of unit intra-school competitions. Each half term competition to be promoted across the school and to parents.

End of unit competition in

school ensures 100% of our

children are taking part in

competitive sport.


Develop the use of Sports Leaders to promote and run these competitions.

To establish playground leaders to lead active lunchtimes

To embed playground leaders for next academic year. PE leads to replenish any resources needed for active lunchtimes.

PE leads and new playground leaders to launch new active lunchtimes. A chance to share any new activities or resources.


Ensuring active lunchtimes,

impact on activity and

fitness levels of children as

well as increased

leadership skills for play


Investment in physical activity resources was made for break and lunchtimes. Impact: more pupils are physically active during break and lunch times

A robust time table of weekly activities that support the professional development of all staff and assessment of pupils.

Ensure all children in KS2 have access to swimming and can meet the 25m expectation by the time they leave primary school.

Continue to provide swimming opportunities to ensure the 25m expectation is met by the end of Year 6.

Additional swimming costs

Increased number of pupils

meeting national curriculum

swimming requirements.

To continue to embed additional daily physical activity - all children to take part in daily physical activity throughout the week.

PE leads to ensure that all children take part in extra physical activity each week.

PE leads to create a timetable of activities to use to support the delivery and pupil participation in daily physical activity.

Ensuring daily physical activity, impact on activity and fitness levels of children as well as increased leadership skills for play leaders.

More investment in resources to further develop the activity offer during non-curriculum times and increase the variation of games and activities on offer.

To monitor the implementation of teaching and learning across the school.

PE leads to continue to establish/ embed a monitoring cycle for the subject.

Key focus:

*Pupil voice

*Lesson walks


*Deep dive analysis

PE leads to share best practice and areas for development in regular staff meeting items to continue to raise the profile of developing the subject to be the best it can be.

Cost of cover to monitor

Embedded planning,

teaching and assessment

system for PE lessons

working well to support staff confidence, subject specific knowledge and therefore outcomes for pupils.

Impact: PE curriculum offer is well sequenced, progressive and has full coverage of the National Curriculum.

Key indicator 2


The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To raise the profile of PE and maximise physical activity time by children and staff coming into school in PE kit on PE days.

Pupils and staff continue to attend school in PE kit on PE days.

All children coming to

school in kit maximises

access to PE time.

Continue to review.

To link and share ideas with other schools at network meetings (Youth Sports Trust, Co-op and SGO) who value PE and sport and are working on creative visions and outcomes for their pupils.

Outcomes for pupils enhanced through up-to-date information gained through networking across the cluster, county and nationally.

PE lead to continue to attend regular PE network meetings to gain advice and resources around the subject.


Cost of cover

Attending SGO

meetings, Co-op update

meetings and local network

meetings ensures that all

opportunities for our

children are explored and

pursued where necessary.

Good practice is shared to impact positively on

teaching and learning.

School up to date with best practice ideas and

requirement implications

from Ofsted/ health and

wellbeing and sport

strategies around improving outcomes and opportunities for pupils in school.

Maintain at least Silver Sports Mark for children to demonstrate the Ways of Being in their sporting pursuits and gain Youth Sports Trust accreditation.

Increase activity levels and engagement of pupils within lunchtime activities.


Playground leaders trained and actively leading games at lunchtimes.


The school has achieved the Gold Sports Mark demonstrating our commitment to physical activity throughout the school and wider curriculum and also engagement and the delivery of competitive sport.

Continue to embed a well-balanced PE curriculum focused on progression – skills based learning.

PE leads to review and assess the impact of the PE curriculum against the new progression documents and to ensure progression and balance across all year groups.

Cost of cover to monitor

Staff confidence and ability

to teach high quality PE

increases and embeds

further and pupils as a

result benefit from lessons

that they enjoy more and in

which they make better


Impact: PE curriculum offer is well sequenced, progressive and has full coverage of the National Curriculum.

Continue working with JB Trust Curriculum Director to develop PE curriculum and offer.

Key indicator 3


Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To continue to further increase staff confidence and ability to teach PE as per identified need.

PE lead to gain an understanding of staff’s CPD needs (Google form for staff voice, informal conversations) and to plan for CPD opportunities for development of staff alongside.

PE lead to continue to provide opportunities for staff to team teach and observe coaches / outside companies delivering different activity areas for PE.


CPD costs

cover for


Staff confidence and ability to teach high quality PE

increases and embeds further and pupils as a result benefit from lessons that they enjoy more and in which they make

better progress.

Embedded planning, teaching and assessment system for PE lessons working well to support staff confidence, subject specific knowledge and therefore outcomes for


Continue working with JB Trust Curriculum Director to develop PE curriculum and offer.


To increase pupil participation and activity at lunchtimes.

PE leaders to gain feedback from lunchtime supervisors and identify any further support and CPD that is needed in order to support active lunchtimes being implemented well and pupils are receiving the best possible active lunchtimes with enthusiasm and provide opportunities for fitness, health and wellbeing.


Children and TAs (lunchtime supervisors) receive up to date and bespoke training regarding active lunchtimes and health and wellbeing.

Increased activity levels and

engagement of pupils within lunchtime activities.

Playground leaders trained

and actively lead games at


Behaviour at lunchtimes is good with pupils knowing what to do if they are experiencing confrontational situations.

Increased fitness of pupils

through taking part in additional activities offered

throughout the school day.

Key indicator 4


Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Raise the profile of the impact health and physical activity can have on attainment within the school and wider community through children accessing a wide range of physical activities through the progressive curriculum.

Continue to embed the profile of how health and activity can impact on attainment through the new scheme of work.


Pupils developing and

applying key life skills as

well as experiencing sports

they wouldn’t usually

through their participation in PE and sport including

trust, respect, teamwork

and communication.

Invested in sports coaches to work with those children who are reluctant to take part in physical activity.

Provide smaller clubs for reluctant pupils to expose them to a wider range of physical activity.

Work with Home School Link support to provide parent workshops.

Key indicator 5


Increased participation in competitive sport.

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Engage more pupils from Key Stage One and Foundation Stage to inter/intra school teams promoting participation from an earlier age.

Host more inter school competitions within the school.


To continue to attend competitions with other schools. To attend more inclusive events to increase % of children competing in events with other schools.

To increase the number of teaching staff attending sports competitions.

Cover for staff attending competitions

Pupils developing and

applying key life skills

through their participation in

PE and sport including

trust, respect, teamwork

and communication.

Increased number of pupils participating in competitive opportunities and reporting

increased enjoyment in


Pupils developing and

applying key life skills

through their participation in

PE and sport including

trust, respect, teamwork

and communication.

Create a calendar of events to host other schools in the area to take part in competitive opportunities in EYFS/ KS1.

All children to participate in an end of unit competition within a year group (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)

Staff to plan for the end of unit competition with the year group.

Extend this to all year groups from EYFS to KS2 and promote at the end of each half term.

End of unit competition in school ensures 100% of our children are taking part in competitive sport.

Staff offering pupils

opportunities to be

competitive or take part in performances at the end of the unit of work.

87% of EYFS achieved physical development ELG.

In Summer 2024 Sports Week is to be arranged to provide extra opportunities for competitive sports.

Sports Premium Report