PSHE policy 24/25
PSHE Policy
Policy details
- Date created - 6/9/2022
- Date reviewed - xx/xx/xxxx
- Date approved - 22/11/2022
- Next review date - 22/11/2024
- Policy owner - Mrs Saleem
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Introduction and Aims
Personal, Social, Health and Education helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed active responsible citizens. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities.
In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
They learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
At Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff, we believe that the personal, social and health development of each child has a significant role in their ability to learn. We value the importance of PSHE and Citizenship in preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. In addition, we believe that a child needs to learn about the many emotional aspects of life and how to manage their own emotions. We are also aware of the way that PSHE supports many of the principles of Safeguarding. (See Safeguarding Policy.)
At Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff, we choose to deliver Personal, Social, Health Education using Jigsaw. Jigsaw is a mindful and child-centred approach to PSHE. It is an original and comprehensive scheme of learning which integrates personal, social, health and economic education with emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and SMSC, especially spiritual development.
Jigsaw PSHE will support the development of skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:
- Have a sense of purpose
- Value self and others
- Form relationships
- Make and act on informed decisions
- Communicate effectively
- Work with others
- Respond to challenge
- Be an active partner in their own learning
- Be active citizens within the local community
- Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
- Become healthy and fulfilled individuals
The Role of the PSHE Leader
- To prepare a policy and scheme of work, evaluating and reviewing as necessary.
- To co-ordinate and lead the implementation of the policy throughout the school.
- To keep up to date with developments and use appropriately.
- To liaise with colleagues in school and outside agencies as appropriate in order to further develop the opportunities for pupil engagement.
- To complete monitoring (Floor book monitoring and lesson observations) throughout the academy in order to develop provision.
Planning, Teaching and learning for all areas of PSHE
We teach PSHE Education to all children at Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff. Class teachers deliver one PSHE session weekly which lasts up to an hour. PSHE sessions take place every Friday afternoon. The PSHE curriculum forms part of the whole school safeguarding curriculum which is based around the needs of our community and the challenges that are faced. The majority of the work carried out in these sessions will be drawn from the Jigsaw scheme of work. It is a complete scheme of work from Nursery to year 6. However, staff are encouraged to bring in classroom / playground / national issues as required to ensure that there is a bespoke element to the curriculum.
We also teach the Co-operative Curriculum as part of our PSHE programme. This curriculum encourages children to be community minded with a willingness to get involved and volunteer. It helps to teach and give children a deep understanding of co-operative values and the Ways of Being Co-op to help them. From this, they will be tolerant of others and willing to listen and appreciate the views and lifestyles that others may follow. There are six sessions in total for each year group lasting 20-30 minutes. Most of these sessions will be delivered as blocked afternoon sessions in the final week of each term.
We also teach Financial Capability Sessions once a term, there are 3 objectives which each year group will need to teach from Nursery-Yr6 and these are on how to manage money, becoming a critical consumer and managing risks/emotions associated with money. In addition to our PSHE programme, specialist teaching is also brought in from GLOW who teach “Relationships Without Fear” across Year 4, 5 and 6 for six weeks each year.
Jigsaw covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phase, as the table below shows:
Discrete PSHE days are also planned throughout the year such as, ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ and ‘Careers Event’.
How is Jigsaw PSHE organised in the academy?
Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for differentiation. Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. There are six Puzzles in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from September to July.
Each Piece has two Learning Intentions: one is based on specific PSHE learning (covering the non-statutory national framework for PSHE Education but enhanced to address children’s needs today); and one is based on emotional literacy and social skills development to enhance children’s emotional and mental health.
The enhancements mean that Jigsaw is relevant to children living in today’s world as it helps them understand and be equipped to cope with issues like body image, cyber and homophobic bullying, and internet safety.
Every Piece (lesson) contributes to at least one of these aspects of children’s development. This is mapped on each Piece and balanced across each year group.
Differentiation / SEND
Jigsaw offers a core curriculum provision for all children and we ensure that this is fully inclusive. Lessons are tailored to meet the needs of the children in our classes and are adapted to suit varying needs, including SEND.
Sometimes it is clear that certain children may need time to talk one-to-one after the circle closes. It is important to allow the time and appropriate staffing for this to happen. If disclosures occur, the academy safeguarding and child protection procedures will be followed.
Each half term, teachers assess whether each child has worked below/above expectations for each unit. The PSHE Leader gathers the assessment data and relays information on how we can improve children’s outcomes.
Monitoring and assessment
There will be on-going evaluation and monitoring of the programme for PSHE.
Additional Pastoral Care Arrangements
At Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff, we aim to develop the personal and social skills of all pupils. We aim to create an environment in which children are taught to relate well to each other and where differences of all kinds are accepted. We recognise that some children may also have Special Educational Needs and need additional support.
Children may require additional arrangements for emotional and social development therefore the following team are in place to promote the moral, intellectual, personal, social and spiritual development of our children:
- Mrs E. Day - Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs A Harris – SENDCo /Designated Teacher for LAC/ Behaviour Lead
- Miss K. McDonald - Family Learning Lead
- Miss S. Hudson – Deputy DSL / School Liaison Officer
We employ a Family Learning Lead and School Liaison Officer to directly work with pupils and their families. This may be to help pupils to develop their social skills or emotional resilience. They are also available to work with children on a 1:1 basis. This may be for regular or occasional support with school or home issues.
Enrichment is provided through visits and visitors to our school. Visits are built into our curriculum and all year groups have at least one visit per term e.g. Staffordshire University Forensics work closely with Year 5 as part of their Crime Scene Investigators topic. We offer a residential visit for the children in Year 6 where there is a particular focus on developing pupils’ self-esteem and opportunities to develop leadership skills and positive group work. (Please note that the above trips may change according to curriculum and topics being taught).
This policy will be reviewed at least every three years.
PSHE (inc RHSE and financial capability units) whole school overview
(Relationships Health and Sex Education) (Careers-Related Learning)
At Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff, we aim to embed our mindful, wellbeing-based approach to PSHE throughout our school. Our goal is for the learning that takes place within our PSHE sessions to transcend into our children’s wider wellbeing, as well as their attitudes to themselves and the world around them. We aim to teach inclusivity and respect for difference, fostering a sense of inclusion within all of our sessions in a way that is meaningful and appropriate for our children. Our PSHE curriculum seeks to equip the children with the prerequisite skills to enable them to develop a capacity for resilience, as well as the necessary resources to facilitate the management of their own wellbeing.
Our PSHE sessions are taught weekly by every class, as part of the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme of work. Every year group is taught the same ‘puzzle’ of the Jigsaw at the same time, but in a session appropriate for the year group. This ensures continuity across the school, in a manner that allows pupils to develop upon their learning from previous years and make connections between the Jigsaw pieces. Each Jigsaw session begins with an opportunity for mindfulness, normally conducted through a ‘Calm Me’ script, allowing pupils to develop a sense of which calming approach works best for them, both within the sessions and beyond.
The Jigsaw planning covers a range of meaningful topics, from racial difference to navigating friendship turbulence. The wide breadth of topics allows for our pupils to explore in great depth potential issues that may come to, or are already, affecting them.
Our behaviour system fosters an inclusive and coherent approach, which has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination of any kind. This helps facilitate an inclusive environment whereby difference is welcome and all children feel accepted and appreciated. Additionally, we use positive reinforcement with all pupils, as this ensures pupils feel valued and their work respected. Our pupils are awarded with ‘dojos’ for different examples of good behaviour, and this is celebrated weekly in whole-school assemblies alongside other, more individual pupil achievements.
If you were to walk into PSHE lessons at Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff, you would see:
∙ Continuity of learning between year groups – each class will be exploring the same ‘piece’ of the jigsaw at the same time, in a way that is appropriate for their year group. This encourages connections to be made for the children between their previous and current learning.
∙ Opportunities for mindfulness – every session begins with an opportunity for the children to practise mindfulness, so that they continue the session feeling calm and prepared. This may vary between year groups, but tends to consist of a breathing activity or a mindfulness script. The mindfulness opportunities also help to provide the children with their own strategies for managing their wellbeing.
∙ The use of vocabulary surrounding wellbeing and social and mental health – Children are able to use vocabulary independently during their lessons and around the school that promotes and develops their understanding of wellbeing and facilitates the normality of its usage.
Further Information:
(All Online Safety objectives are taught within Purple Mash Computing)
See also;
Safeguarding curriculum
PSHE Overview