Spring 25 Newsletter
A Message from Mrs Day
Well what a very exciting and successful start to the Spring Term we have had. It has been wonderful to see the children’s progress over this half term and so many more changes have taken place across the school.
We have been focusing on more “lovely lunchtimes” this half term. Our polytunnel is now up and running and our “Nurturing Blossoms” have been busy taking care of it. It is a beautiful space! We have three sports coaches working across the playgrounds and all of our lunchtime supervisors have exciting activities for the children such as basketball, arts and crafts, table tennis. Mr Longstaff also ends each lunchtime with a mini disco which the children love (as do Mr Plant and I!).
The children’s work has continued to impress us and our visitors. Our days are so busy because we fit in so many subjects such as Science, History, French, Phonics, PE and so much more. Any missed day means the children miss so much. Therefore we are so pleased that attendance has continued to be so high this half term and we are still well above last year and 7th out of over 30 schools across the Trust. Go Clarice Cliff!
We have been so proud of our wider achievements. Some of our Y6 pupils won the regional finals for GoIT for their well-researched ‘Sort it Out’ recycling app earning them the top spot. They presented their work to a wide audience at Angel Square in Manchester - we were so proud! Some children also competed in the Trust Spelling Bee! This is such a challenging competition but they made us so proud with their hard work and resilience!
Sports wise a group of gymnasts competed with other Trust schools and came away with silver medals - incredible! And our Netball team competed in their first tournament and came 4th out of 15 schools! What an incredible achievement!
I am really proud of all our school achievements and look forward to seeing what Spring 2 brings. Have a fantastic half term and enjoy lots of family time.
Mrs Day
Staffing Update.
We have a couple of staffing updates for you too. Miss Jones will be starting her maternity leave at the end of March. Mrs Martin, a very experienced Early Years teacher, will be joining our staff team after half term ready to teach Reception Chestnuts when Miss Jones leaves us.
Miss Smith will also be starting her maternity leave in April, after the Easter holidays. We have appointed Miss Lynch, a very experienced Key Stage 2 teacher, to teach Y5 Dali when Miss Smith starts her maternity leave. She will be coming in next half term for a couple of days to get to know the children. She can’t wait to start, has a very positive personality and loves Art and Music! We can’t wait for her to join us. Mrs Wilbraham will continue to be in Y5 Dali class in the mornings.
Did you know that our school attendance target is 96%?
Our overall attendance, so far this year, is 95.3%.
It is really important that we continue to work together to do all we can to prioritise the children’s attendance at school. At Clarice Cliff, we know that 'Every Day Matters'. Good attendance is essential if your child is to fulfil their potential and achieve their goals.
If you need any support or advice, please speak to your child's class teacher or contact a member of the attendance team. (Mrs Day, Miss Hudson and Miss McDonald). WE'RE ALWAYS HERE TO HELP!
Attendance Awards
100% ATTENDANCE! Amazing work from 78 of our children who have been in school every day since September.
241 pupils have achieved 96% attendance or above since returning to school in September.
Year 5 Kapoor and the determined Miss Roper remain at the top of the KS2 attendance leaderboard with 97.31%. However, Year 4 Monet and Mrs Snape are hot on their tails with 96.56%.
In KS1, Year 1 Picasso and Mr Longstaff have knocked Year 2 Da Vinci and Miss Adams off the attendance leaderboard top spot. They are in 1st place with a super 96.64%. However, this could all change as Year 2 Da Vinci and Year 2 Britto are quickly closing the gap. They are currently both at 96.29%.
In EYFS, Nursery Squirrels are the undisputed champions and remain in the lead. Well done to Mrs Hazledine and her superstar attenders.
Important Attendance Reminders!
Children need to be in school at 8.50am.
Please try to book appointments outside of school time.
If appointments need to be attended during the school day, pupils should attend school before/after to get their mark.
Holidays must not be taken during term time. Government legislation prevents schools from granting leave of absence and fines may be issued.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team for support on attendance - we are happy to help.
Time to Talk Day
Time to Talk Day, is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. It’s a day for friends, families, communities and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives.
Our children took part in classroom activities to help them understand the importance of talking about feelings and using kind words.
Parents and carers were also invited in for a coffee morning and helped to make decorations for our valentines disco.
Careers Fair.
All children were invited to come to school dressed as what they would like to be when they are older. There were some very imaginative costumes and everyone looked fantastic.
In KS2, children had the opportunity to speak with exhibitors from local and national companies as well as Apprenticeship, College and FE. We had 16 exhibitors in total with a huge range of different careers, from Estate agents to scientists.
It was a fantastic day and the children loved the experience.
A huge thank you to Mrs Ashiq for organising it all!
Dates for your Diary.
Thursday 27th Feb - Y4 Anglo Saxon Workshop
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
W/C 10th March - Y4 + 5 Bikeabiliy
Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day
Wednesday 2nd April - Parents Evening
Tuesday 8th April - Nursery Easter Parade
Thursday 10th April - Reception Easter parade
Easter Holidays - Monday 14th April - Friday 25th April
Monday 5th May- May Day Bank Holiday
Monday 12th May - Thursday 15th May - Year 6 SATs
Thursday 22nd May- Clarice Cliff Olympics
Monday 26th - Friday 30th May - May Half Term